About Jan Harte
Saving you Time, Money and Stress

Running a successful business today is challenging to say the least. Sometimes you need support. Wherever your business is on its HR journey we can provide that support.
What We Offer
HR Mentoring
HR & Headspace
Irish companies operate in a web of complex Employment Legislation that is forever changing. Helping you to become compliant goes a long way to minimising your exposure to costly employee claims, penalties or fines.
There is tremendous peace of mind in knowing you are covered and compliant.
Jan Harte
Jan Harte makes best practice HR solutions accessible to the SME sector in a cost-effective way.
Jan is a Consultant in demand. She builds strong relationships with clients and offers products, services and solutions in all aspects of HR and across the employee life cycle.
Jan Harte is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, FCIPD, an accredited mediator, trainer and coach. She has extensive business and HR experience in Ireland and the United States including 10 years as HR Director with Stryker Orthopaedics, Cork. Her background includes working with leaders and teams in large, small and medium enterprises in both the HR and Employee Wellbeing spaces.